An unusually heavy imitation
Los 2915
Crispus, Caesar, 316-326. Follis (Bronze, 19 mm, 4.52 g, 6 h), a contemporary imitation of an issue from Treveri. Irregular mint, after 320. CRISPVS NOR CHES Laureate and cuirassed bust of Crispus to left, seen from behind, holding shield with his left hand. Rev. [VIR]TVS EXERCIT / [...]TR Two captives seated at base of vexillum inscribed VOT / XX. Cr. RIC 269 (for possible prototype). Struck from worn dies and with minor traces of corrosion, otherwise, very fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, formed since 1969.

The style of this coin is distinctly unofficial, clearly marking it is a contemporary 'barbarous' imitation of a Trier coin. The G4 bust, not used in regular Trier coinage, implies that the original official coin, likely Trier RIC 269, featured a G8 bust, with the imitation omitting the spear. Weighing 4.52g, this imitation is significantly heavier than the official coins.
25 CHF
60 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 16:18:00 CEST
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